Museum of Weird Books

Over the years of selling books we've uncovered some gems that have made us laugh for one reason or another. Either there is a naïveté that strikes us as outmoded in our postmodern society or the earnest intentions of the publisher seems forced to our liberal minds. We present these titles to you without malice nor do we mock the creators of these choice documents...we merely wonder at the world that produces the inexplicable need that these various publications seem to fill.

We would also like to point out they are not for the faint of heart. Although all the texts are presented in a straightforward, non-prurient manner, some of the subject matter is, how should we say, of a mature nature. Proceed with your own judgment and good taste.

Arts and Crafts

American Denim: A New Folk Art

Fun with Plastic Bottles: A Craft "How-To" Create Book

The Pantyhose Craft Book

The See and Do Book of Boxes, Cartons and Containers

The Art of Rapid Reading

Oh My Lord

Life and Love: A Christian View of Sex

Heart Reaching Object Lessons: Sight Sermons on Sin, Salvation, Separation and Service

Crusade: The Story of the Bible Retold for Catholic Children

Disco Apocalypse

Fliks presents Saturday Night Fever

Science and Medicine

The TV Vet Sheep Book: Recognition and Treatment of Common Sheep Ailments

The TV Vet: Horse Book: Recognition and Treatment of Common Horse and Pony Ailments with over 300 action pictures

Surgery of the Ambulatory Patient

A Laboratory Guide to Fungi in Polluted Waters

American Elves - The Yankoos: The Yankoos and the Oak-Hickory Forest Ecology

Nest Am Fenster (Window Into a Nest)

The Birds and the Bees

How Babies Are Made

A Happier Sex Life

a doctor discusses What Teenagers Want to Know

A Study of Female Auto-Eroticism

This is the Miniature Schnauzer and Super Potency at Any Age

The Spirit of Seventy Sex

Different Folks, Different Drummers

Bomba the Jungle Boy in the Steaming Grotto

Transvestism: Men in Female Dress

Beauty Tips, Anyone?

No More Alibis


Unmasking the Face

Face Lifting By Exercise: For Women and Men Over Twenty-One

The Joyce Lee Method of Scientific Facial Exercises

Food Porn

Barbecuing the Weber Covered Way

Storage of potatoes: Post-harvest behaviour, store design, storage practice, handling

That amazing ingredient: mayonnaise!

Magic in Frosting

Law and Order

Looking Forward to Being Attacked

Police Brutality

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