Different Folks, Different Drummers
Transvestism: Men in Female Dress
Edited by David O. Cauldwell
Sexology Corporation, 1956
Impostors in petticoats! Middle-aged
transvestites! Fem-men! This book is full of juicy confessions
from men who " …like to wear dresses, so what!" and illustrated
with the pictures to prove it. But expertise advice is also given,
don't you worry…" Transvestites should always remember that 99%
of the normal people 'run with the herd.'" Keeping this fast '
fact ' in mind, you can flip through the book and find many pictures
of men throughout history looking better than any supermodel today.
Well, except for "Marion" on page 109 who seems to prefer the
Queen Elizabeth-look.
What is that tape in the corner? Obviously
this is a much loved and chewed on book...could the owner
have had more than one fetish?
"Fido, you bad boy! Look
at the teeth marks you left in your new book. Now mommy
has to spank you!"
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"Marion" is our poster child
for the chapter "What is a Transvestite?" in case
you want to know the difference between true Royalty and
Drag Queens. Note the sensible horn-rimmed glasses, hat,
coat and gloves...she never goes anywhere without matching
kid gloves, just like the Queen Mother. Could they be one
and the same?
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Believe it or don't kids, transvestism
is not just a phenomenon of this past century. It has a
long and checkered history. Did you know that George Washington
used to consort with a very famous Transvestite? It's all
true. Seriously!
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This chapter is about "Effeminate
Men", which features more pictures of famous cross-dressers,
and must have been included to distinguish from the very
butch and hairy men that like to dress in lacies, I guess.
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One of the "confessional"
chapters featuring Carol Anne Masters as himself and then
as herself. What an amazing transformation!
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Our favorite trans-"fessional",
Marybelle is not at all afraid to admit she prefers being
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Oh, my! That was interesting!
And so educational!
Now just let me slip into something more comfortable...perhaps
a little pink chiffon number, with matching shoes and handbag,
and we can get on with the tour...